
Design Journal

Call for Partners TC KA105 for the deadline 7th May 2020

Dear Friends and partners, I hope this "weird" situation of COVID-19 is going better and better in your countries. In the mean while our work is never ending even in period of lock-down. I'm here to propose you to be partner organization on a KA105 Training Course...

IOGGA – Inside Out: Growing Gender Awareness

Dear Followers,I am happy to announce that the project IOGGA was approved and the registration link is aviable in SALTO YOUTH and on the botom of this page. The aim of this project is to increase gender awareness in activities with youth performing by social actors in...

Humour in training

This article was publish here: Pourquoi le lapin est bleu? Obviously the answer to the question is: Parce qu’on l’a peint! Q: “Why is the rabbit blue?” A: “Because someone has painted it!” - the sounds of the...

Today, i want to share this link, its italian interview of one of the most important and famous Italian writer UMBERTO ECO. They ask to him what means to be European! I’ll not translate all the interview but i want to write here some important sentence. “...

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Hello dear followers, how is going your life? I hope well. I want to tell you one little methods that i used to explain to the youngsters what means EU citinzenship. Let’s said that before we made a little brainstorming of what means citizenship and what they think...

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