
Design Journal

Call for Partners TC KA105 for the deadline 7th May 2020

Dear Friends and partners, I hope this "weird" situation of COVID-19 is going better and better in your countries. In the mean while our work is never ending even in period of lock-down. I'm here to propose you to be partner organization on a KA105 Training Course...

IOGGA – Inside Out: Growing Gender Awareness

Dear Followers,I am happy to announce that the project IOGGA was approved and the registration link is aviable in SALTO YOUTH and on the botom of this page. The aim of this project is to increase gender awareness in activities with youth performing by social actors in...

Humour in training

This article was publish here: Pourquoi le lapin est bleu? Obviously the answer to the question is: Parce qu’on l’a peint! Q: “Why is the rabbit blue?” A: “Because someone has painted it!” - the sounds of the...

Online tools for content promotion actions

Third part of MOBILIZE Seminar Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton. Online tools were presented in 3 times, 2 workshops of 60 minutes each, so each participant could take part in 3 of them. In each...

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How to target young people?

Second part of the MOBILIZE Seminar. Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton. Participants listened to this presentation about young people today in Europe and discussed the trends and realities they...

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Average hours worked per day by country in Europe (map)

The following map shows the number of hours an average worker in the given country works each day (not just on working days), on average. It based on the following table by OECD. The number is defined as the total number of hours worked in the year 2013 in the given...

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