Today, i want to share this link, its italian interview of one of the most important and famous Italian writer UMBERTO ECO.

They ask to him what means to be European!

I’ll not translate all the interview but i want to write here some important sentence.

“ Ci rendiamo conto di essere europei, quando siamo da un altra parte”

“We realize that we are Europeans, when we are somewhere else”

About this he start the interview saying: “We can say that i was always feeling European i mean i know at least 3 language, traveling. But the best feeling to be really European is everytime when i’m overseas. When i passed night, free time with other colleagues Americans etc. But there was some French, Finnish closed to midnight it was more easy to speak with them then with Americans. We felt like at home, in that moment you understood what means European, for infinity reason. But we can unterstand this only when we are somewhere else”

I don’t need to comment this part becasue its totaly true. I can write also my personal experience whe i was in Brazil. I spent 2 mouths there to meet and learn well portuguese and in that period my portuguese it was much better then my english. So, in one of my travel in the forest i met many turist and some of them it was European in partciolary from hetherlands. In this situation i comunicate with them in english (totaly not good) but i felt more close with them then Brazilian. 🙂

One ohter importat sentence in the video is about language.

“Avere più lingue non è un vero ostacolo. Pensiamo alla Svizzera o all’India”

“Having more than one language is not a real obstacle. Think about Switzerland or India”

Umberto Eco say that it will be a slowly diffusion of polylingualism. This dosen’t mean that you are able to speak all the language but that you can understand in some way all of them.

“Alla fine ci sarà un polilinguismo diffuso. Tutti sapranno parlare un po’ delle altre lingue”

“Eventually there will be a widespread polylingualism. Everyone will talk a bit ‘of other languages​​”

He’s saying one really nice and important thing: 

What is one of the springs to reach this goal? It’s the Erasmus. The Erasmus has two functions, one linguistic and one sexual. Most of the yougsters who made the Erasmus get married abroad. This means that next 30 years we have a generation of bilinguistic. […]

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The European Challenge! What does mean European!

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