Offline actions – an approach of offline promotion actions

Fourth part of the MOBILIZE Seminar Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton. Public space have become an excellent place for marketing products and ideas and even promoting social change or social...

Online tools for content promotion actions

Third part of MOBILIZE Seminar Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton. Online tools were presented in 3 times, 2 workshops of 60 minutes each, so each participant could take part in 3 of them. In each...

How to target young people?

Second part of the MOBILIZE Seminar. Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton. Participants listened to this presentation about young people today in Europe and discussed the trends and realities they...
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