Second part of the MOBILIZE Seminar.

Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton.

Participants listened to this presentation about young people today in Europe and discussed the trends and realities they face in their work.

As a follow up participants watched this TED Talk by Seth Godin: How to get your ideas spread?  (from 5:30 until the end) and discussed issues related to marketing methods today.

Participants started working on their own target groups of actions. They were asked to specify as much as they can the primary target group for action they visioned using the following questions.


  1. Prepare yourself for the target group. Who are young people in your town, region, country, Europe today that you are able, ready, motivated to address?
  2. What do you offer? What is the product that you want to “sell”? What do you want to change?
  3. Who is the person who may need what you offer? Make a complete description! What is the motivation, life situation, interest, fears, skills of such a person?
  4. Who are the persons who influence your target person? Who do they listen to? Describe these people as much as possible! How and where can you address them?
  5. Who will support you in finding and addressing these people? Who are the people that are best placed to support you in reaching this specific target group? How can you make them work with you?

For further reading about target marketing you can visit: Target marketing by Michael Kerr.

After presenting their desired target group participants agreed to work in teams based on similar target audiences. Four teams were set up.

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