Fourth part of the MOBILIZE Seminar

Special thanks for this great experience to: László Földi, Ivett Karvalits, Monika Kurdi and Zsolt Marton.

Public space have become an excellent place for marketing products and ideas and even promoting social change or social values. It is also a new way to involve people into actions, campaigns and movements. Business and social marketing are using this method more and more. What is common in them is that they reach people in public crowds where such activity is not foreseen nor programmed, it builds upon the power of surprise and spontaneity, and it is short and simple. These promotion actions should not require more than 10 minutes involvement. The less time they take the more people it may reach.

Depending on the role and involvement of the audience we can classify these actions as follows:

Observation – using art or performance to attract attention of the audience. It uses dance, movement, music, literature, acrobatics, painting, sculpture or any other creative approach of art. The targeted audience remains in the role of spectator who watches or hears the performance and think about the message it transmits.

Contribution – using a traditional medium to involve the audience to actually contribute to the construction of some product. It uses objects to which the target audience add something voluntarily. The object can be anything that is relevant for the place and time (boxes, balloons, objects, big board, walls, paper etc) and the contribution can be signing, writing, drawing or forming the object by hand.

Participation – the audience is invited to take part in some kind of movement, or action. It requires that the targeted people get involved voluntarily in the action. The action can be a simple movement (kick, throw, blow, etc) or a set of movements such as dance, motion, or acting. It requires the most courage and involvement. Such actions must be prepared very well to  ensure a safe and comfortable participation of people.

Expression – involving the audience to say or express something in relation to a given issue. The target audience is invited to speak or express freely and voluntarily by words and/or meta communication.

All the four approaches may be recorded with the agreement of the audience. They can be recorded by video or photo camera or voice recording equipment. The recorded content may serve as excellent media for online promotion and distribution.

Guerrilla marketing

Flash mob

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