by Admin | Jun 10, 2014 | My life, S.I.C. project
Hello everybody, i came back to describe what i’m doing when i’m meeting the stundents/youngsters in the school. Last week i collaborated with Pillar Fondation and we were in the Veres Péter Gimnázium we explaing with not-formal methods what is the EU...
by Admin | May 15, 2014 | My life, S.I.C. project
European Citizenship past from active participation and finish in the cabine where you can choose your delegate! But my opinion is: Your Citizenship has never have to finish. Don’t forget to control and put underpression the delegates! This is the secret! Br1 (Source:...
by Admin | May 13, 2014 | My life, S.I.C. project
Dear followers and friends, during this period that i’m spending here in Budapest i’m thinking a lot what means active partcipation and European Citinzeship! Let me say that this 2 topic are really big for me and they mean everything and, in the same time, nothing!...
by Admin | May 12, 2014 | My life, S.I.C. project
Dear friends and followers, 9th of May was the European Day. Did you know it? YES i’m pretty sure that you knew it and i’m sure that everybody who is interested in Europe know for sure this … Do you think that i can miss this opportunity to...
by Admin | Apr 15, 2014 | My life, S.I.C. project
Last week i met Hanna she is a future EVS volunteer in Portugal
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