Civil Radio!

Hello, dear followers today i was in the Civil Radio. I met really nice persons and they put us really confortoble, i was feeling like at home.


Hello dear followers, how is going your life? I hope well. I want to tell you one little methods that i used to explain to the youngsters what means EU citinzenship. Let’s said that before we made a little brainstorming of what means citizenship and what they think...


hello again, i want to tell you one story that i’m proud to write here … Some week ago i was in one Special school … this school is Petto Istitute, for who live in Budapest maybe already know what kind istitute its is … but for the rest the...

Informator! … and not only :)

Hello everybody, i came back to describe what i’m doing when i’m meeting the stundents/youngsters in the school.  Last week i collaborated with Pillar Fondation and we were in the  Veres Péter Gimnázium we explaing with not-formal methods what is the EU...
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